Software for the Control of Maintenance, Inventories and Aeronautical Operations



Technical Personnel:
Maintains detailed control of personal and professional information of the company's technical personnel and the training requirements and controls necessary to keep their licenses valid.
It allows management of all the information related to the control of the pattern of maintenance services of the aircraft, components, and technical documents such as AD’s and SB’s.
Projection of the maintenance tasks to be completed in each aircraft based on the operation (registered flights), taking into account deadlines per flight hour, operation cycles and calendar time. The system allows to easily obtain the scheduling of the next tasks to be accomplished, or the long-term planning for a single aircraft or for the entire fleet. Based on these projections, the corresponding Work Orders can be issued.
Production Control:
Generation of work orders for the fulfillment of scheduled and unscheduled services such as: pilot reports, engineering, and maintenance.
Registration, control of parts in stock, movement control, tool calibration, and purchasing management.
Purchasing Management:
With this module you can implement and monitor the process flow (workflow) from the needs that arise from maintenance planning, throughout the areas in charge of purchasing, foreign trade, financial and warehouse management, until finally validating what is received from the suppliers, and thus meeting in a timely manner the requirements that guarantee the perfect condition of the aircraft.
Detailed operational statistics (aircraft and pilots) and maintenance, with exact records of dates, hours and cycles of compliance with inspections, component tasks and AD's.
Crew registration, control of recurring checks, control of fuel consumption.
Allows the analysis of repetitive failures by systems (ATA's), control of non-routine reports, and performance of statistics of unscheduled removals, among other functionalities.


  • Optimization of integrated management and real-time statistical information, logistics (maintenance and inventories) and company operations.
  • Growth in an organized manner, with systematized and easy to consult records of the different events of our aircraft maintenance records.
  • Efficiency in allocating resources, allowing shopping in a timely manner and programming activities of our staff properly.
  • Makes your operations safer and more efficient.



Software specialized in control and management of Aeronautical Maintenance, Inventories and Operations, has been implemented in aviation companies in different countries of Latin America.

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